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Deborah Sfez MY MOTHER AND I 9__edited_edited.jpg

A quote from an article written by
Dr. Elie Cohen-Gewerc:

"האמנית דבורה ספז הגתה רעיון כביר: היא למדה עשרות תרבויות המולידות
זהויות מוגדרות ואף הצטלמה כנציגה שלהן. ספז חודרת אל תוך הזהות של הדמות ומצליחה לחוות את עצמה בתוכה. בצילום הדיוקן העצמי בזהויות השונות לא מדובר בלבישת המלבושים כמסכה, אלא בלבישת זהות המולידה הבעה, המביעה הוויה ושונות בין הזהויות, אך בהתבוננות ארוכה בסדרה של הדיוקנאות של אותה אישה צעירה, מבעד כל העטיפות הפרטיקולריות, עולה פרץ של אוניברסליות, נימה של אנושיות החבויה בתוך כל זהות נבדלת, גחלת של חיוניות המפעמת כמעיין תת-קרקעי החוצה ומפעם בכולן, ביטוי גרפי לאמרה המפורסמת: "אנוש הנני, וכל דבר אנושי אינו זר לי"פובליוס טרנטיוס.
"The Artist Deborah Sfez conceived a huge idea: she studied
22 cultures which gave birth to definite identities and portrayed herself as their representative. Sfez penetrates the character's identity and experiences herself in it. Her self portraiture in a variety of identities does not feel like a simple disguise or a mask wearing, but feels like wearing an identity, which engenders an expression, pronouncing different existences between the various identities, but after  contemplating the series of portraits of the same young woman, through all these particular wrappings, there is a burst of universality, a hidden human tone  in every different identity, a spark of essentiality surging as an subterranean spring which crosses and pulses in all of them, a graphic expression to the famous saying: I am Human, and all that is human is not stranger to me. (Homo sum humani, nihil a me alienum puto)"Publius Terentius .


"Deborah, you are a thoughtful, unconventional, creative, and sensitive person with high aesthetic criteria and a natural storytelling talent. You have the gift, the background, and the skills to create noticeable personal work and make it widely known if you continue working with the same passion and leave yourself to be visible in your work (I speak metaphorically) as you have already done. Stay faithful to your concerns and beliefs, show your personal view on reality, and never follow trends and likes. Only personal and sincere works can resist time and win a more permanent acceptance. And only a consistent photographer leaves his mark."


My definition of identity is that of a complex puzzle, composed of many pieces, which begins to develop in childhood within the family circle, later identity is shaped by personal experiences as an adult and by one's relationships with others. Identity also develops through personal abilities, interests, and the rejection or acceptance of traditions. Finally, I insist on the fact that a woman’s identity develops differently than a man’s. Attraction, control of thoughts, the disabilities of a woman, dealing with pain, developing mental and physical power, the ability to lead a relationship, the magic of smiling, and the meaning of attractiveness all exist in a unique and very different way, that I would name: "An exclusively feminine Lexicon" that is not similar to a man's. 

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